Monday, May 10, 2021

The Lion Portal


There is quite a strong set of lion portal symbolism thorough the years.

A girl has a dream about another reality with some strange and familiar characters. A Tornado serves as the portal into this other reality where a Cowardly_Lion lives.

"In 1965, in an attempt to update its image, MGM recruited Lippincott to create a more contemporary logo.[13] The result, a circular still graphic of a lion known as "The Stylized Lion", appeared at the beginning of two films in the 1960s: 2001: A Space Odyssey..."

Of course this MGM movie would have a portal, AKA the Star Gate.

"Theatrically released on October 28, 1994, by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM)..." Of course the TV production would also have the lion portal connection.

Orion_Pictures has a connection with the lion portal.
A time travel portal that can be opened up is part of The_Terminator story-line.

"In the prehistoric African veldt, a tribe of hominids is driven away from its water hole by a rival tribe. Later, they awaken to find an alien monolith has appeared in their midst."

"The Veldt" - Parents in a futuristic society worry about their children's mental health when their new virtual reality nursery, which can produce any environment the children imagine, continually projects an African veldt populated by lions feasting on carcasses."

Lions at the other end of a VR portal in the form of a computer program.

"While the Pevensies play hide-and-seek, Lucy discovers a wardrobe and enters the fantasy world of Narnia."