Friday, December 20, 2013

A.I. and ET-A.I. and Robotics

Artificial Intelligence & alien intelligence.
Of course, other intelligent beings in the universe could have reach a point of creating A.I.

Augmented Human Intelligence.
If a persons body is so damaged or crippled, bionic or robotic body parts could improve their quality of life.
Eventually, a persons brain & mind dramatically slows down so simply transplanting their head onto a genetically engineered body or a robotic form still has limitations. Never the less, RoboCop_(2014_film) provides an interesting depiction of a broken man transferred into a robotic suit. Of course, this robotic exoskeleton provides him with tremendous strength & mobility.

In contrast, the Iron_Man_films depict a vehicular spacesuit that the controller can escape from at their convenience.

The big barrier to cross, is to be able to transfer a persons consciousness into a new synthetic form.
Unless a persons consciousness can be successfully transferred, all there will be is a digital copy of the persons mind in the new form. Thus, that new form will only be A.I. in a synthetic body or robotic form.

M Kaku