Tuesday, December 29, 2009

LOST and The Spirial Portal Over Norway

"The Orchid (spiral) is the name given to a DHARMA Initiative station dedicated to time travel research, under the guise of being a botanical research station. The true station is located in an underground chamber..." From an underground facility on a TV series to a spirial in the sky.
Lost, the multiverse, & the 2009_Norwegian_spiral_anomaly.

The TZ or the Vortex Zone?
The Twilight Zone Vortex Light Cone

"An image of the Narvik, Norway, Town Hall, flashed in the film."
http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Orchid_Orientation_film , 
"The phenomenon has been dubbed 'Star-Gate' — as the world's top scientists and the military lined up to admit they were baffled."

The Synchronicity of The Norway Connection & LOST
"In 1968, two satellite links, traversing the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, to Hawaii and Norway, one, the Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR), were connected to the ARPANET."

LOST started its run back in September 2004, long before any connection to the Norway Portal Experiment of 2009.
Somehow Hurley's numbers from LOST, are found on some Norwegian money.

September 30, 2006
Hurley's unlucky Numbers are found on a Norwegian banknote of 500 Kronen.
Although the producers of LOST chose another part of Norway, its still interesting that they wanted Norway to be part of the DHARMA_Initiative, Time Travel Research Project.
This was posted on YouTube some 2 & a half years before the Norway Spiral.

June 5, 2007
LOST - Hanso foundation HQ & Norway Connection
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZaxPpEJuQI , 

Then by December 9, 2009 a mysterious spiral portal opened up for a while over Norway.