Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Holes, Time Travel & Portals (HTTP)

https://upload.wikimedia.org/The_Map , 

TTP is a Digital Portal into exploring the urban human interaction with reality & data & metaphoric holes into other dimensions throughout time & space, along with Symbolism, Coincidence & Synchronicity. Exploring reality & popular culture through technology, science & fiction, providing several examples & imagined scenarios. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fringe_(TV_series) , http://books.google.ca/books/about/Spacetime_and_Geometry.html?id=1SKFQgAACAAJ

This blog involves referencing several websites to gain insight into various facts, opinions & perspectives. Of course clicking onto these links, will take you to the author or proprietor for further reference & acknowledgement. That saves me from doing a lot of extra typing of what others have already stated. http://www.wired.com/magazine/2010/04/ff_lost
Example 1: The Rabbit Hole Effect
I like to directly refer to a particular website such as, whatthebleep.com or indirectly through something like wikipedia.org . Wikipedia is great for general information because it provides plenty of links & other points of reference. However, while Wikipedia is quite a popular general research tool, there are several other websites that provide more in depth data on various subjects.
Example 2
Sometimes in stead of just quoting parts of websites, I'd rather provide a direct link to a specific web page of a website like, www.whatthebleep.com/rabbithole. Sometimes referring to specific internal_links of websites like, whatthebleep.com/scientists, will in turn provide a variety of links to other websites. What the Bleep Do We Know...Book_adaptation_and_sequel_film
Example 3
Usually a hyperlink or full URL will be sufficient to the site being referenced. Once there you can find more data on the author or proprietor of the site. This hyperlinking in effect attributes direct acknowledgement & credit to them. In this case, Lostie Liberian @ Flickr. http://www.flickr.com/photos/76965273@N00/2442162960
Its always up to the seeker to determine how far into the portal they wish to go. http://www.flickr.com/photos/76965273@N00/2425101197 & http://synchromysticism.blogspot.com
Example 4
In this case, through Wikipedia you can see acknowledgement of the authors & proprietors of a very popular TV_series. A lot of times I will list a bunch of URLs for further reference. http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page, http://lost.wikia.com/wiki/Main_Page, http://darkufo.blogspot.com/2010/10/peace-love-and-world-domination-dharma.html
This data blog project interconnects & overlaps with so many URLs, but the main objective is to still remain within the context of Fair Use with Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol.
This blog spans the gap between science & fiction.
Time Travel of LOST, etc.
LOST - The Synchronizing

LOST & The Spiral Portal Over Norway

The Twilight Zone Vortex Light Cone

LOST like The Twilight Zone provides a great range of metaphoric TV online entertainment. They are just some of the many shows that help to stir the imagination.


The Smoke Monster on LOST

Although many would liked to have seen a better ending to LOST, it remains as one of the most popular TV series ever produced.


The Monster in the Keep starts out as a smokey mist. The monster can take any shape or form. People are perceptive at various levels & some have a keen sense of ESP that can help to discern entities that span the spectrum from the nefarious to the sublime.

The Monster, etc.

from The_Keep


The Monster that's kept in The Keep starts out as a smokey mist that eventually turns into a monstrous human form.

Time Travel and Transporting Patterns of Data

Space and Time
Titanic & the-WTC

The time travel Mythology_of_Lost seems to indicate that the island is not only part of a time_travel initiative, but also portals into other realities realities & dimensions.
Lost in a Norway Portal
The word Pearl doesn't only have a connection to the TV series, but to some key places & interesting moments in time.
There are ancient & modern methods that can enable some people to see through time.
ADB has quite a fascinating story to tell, but its difficult to confirm.
Seeing & thinking through time.
Walking through time.



LOST and The Spirial Portal Over Norway

"The Orchid (spiral) is the name given to a DHARMA Initiative station dedicated to time travel research, under the guise of being a botanical research station. The true station is located in an underground chamber..." From an underground facility on a TV series to a spirial in the sky.
Lost, the multiverse, & the 2009_Norwegian_spiral_anomaly.

The TZ or the Vortex Zone?
The Twilight Zone Vortex Light Cone

"An image of the Narvik, Norway, Town Hall, flashed in the film."
http://lostpedia.wikia.com/wiki/Orchid_Orientation_film , 
"The phenomenon has been dubbed 'Star-Gate' — as the world's top scientists and the military lined up to admit they were baffled."

The Synchronicity of The Norway Connection & LOST
"In 1968, two satellite links, traversing the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, to Hawaii and Norway, one, the Norwegian Seismic Array (NORSAR), were connected to the ARPANET."

LOST started its run back in September 2004, long before any connection to the Norway Portal Experiment of 2009.
Somehow Hurley's numbers from LOST, are found on some Norwegian money.

September 30, 2006
Hurley's unlucky Numbers are found on a Norwegian banknote of 500 Kronen.
Although the producers of LOST chose another part of Norway, its still interesting that they wanted Norway to be part of the DHARMA_Initiative, Time Travel Research Project.
This was posted on YouTube some 2 & a half years before the Norway Spiral.

June 5, 2007
LOST - Hanso foundation HQ & Norway Connection
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ZaxPpEJuQI , 

Then by December 9, 2009 a mysterious spiral portal opened up for a while over Norway.

The Rabbit Portal (TRP)


TRP is partially an Urban Technology Portal and a general digital intersection between science and fiction. Thus, The-Rabbit-Portal is a multipoint referencing blog of news and entertainment, popular culture and mythology. An intersection between urban legends & urban planning issues. A.I. , AR, VR & SimCity linking into various dimensions and portals. TRP is either a branch of, or a counterpart to thedigitallabyrinth.blogspot.com (TDL). 


The observation of technology through symbolism and metaphysics, etc. https://matrix.fandom.com/wiki/Monsters 
Occasionally covering a multitude of ideas and topics in general as well.
It's all about going further down the Rabbit Hole to explore The Nature Of Reality. (TNOR)

THX_1138 is the quintessential totalitarian subterranean system. 

Structurae.net is a great site to explore urban-planning and various structures in general.

The Many-worlds_interpretation is a key aspect of this blog.  

In the Oracle’s waiting room, the television is showing white rabbits (which, at the beginning of the film, Neo was instructed to follow) from Night of the Lepus (1972).

The Shore_Leave_Episode is very interesting with astounding implications about reality manipulation. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0708446

The Lost_TV_series took people down a rabbit hole of various portals & dimensions that eventually left some people bewildered. https://fusionanomaly.net/lost.html , 

Any Sci-Fi entertainment production doesn't necessarily have to make sense. As long as it's interesting & thought provoking, that's usually enough. https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Once_Upon_a_Planet_(episode)


TRP is also about referencing various forms of tech, data & mass media & personal expressions through mega-information_technology systems. 

U2 Lemon
https://www.u2.com/media/player/110/1 U2 in their own version of the Holodeck-MATRIX ZOO. 
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/24/Muybridge_Buffalo_galloping.gif , 

Although the MATRIX  wasn't released until March of 1999, Bono was clearly channeling his inner Neo in the early 1990s.


Bono_performing_on_Zoo_TV_Tour_in_Melbourne_Nov_13_1993. Yes indeed, years before there was YouTube, U2 started their own version called, ZOO TV. https://www.youtube.com/c/U2/videos

Watch more TV in the MATRIX.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/c/c1/The_Matrix_Poster.jpg 1999 
https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/6/6a/No_Maps_for_These_Territories.png 2000 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Maps_for_These_Territories , https://vimeo.com/ondemand/nomaps/464383787?autoplay=1 , https://www.u2.com/news/title/edge_bono_original_music_new_william_gibson_flick_729

Although Wikipedia is heavily referenced here, it is usually just for a general reference level of information. Obviously, there are more in depth sites around covering specific subjects & topics in greater detail.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telecommunication#Computer_networks_and_the_Internet ,

The Nature Of Reality (TNOR
http://www.dailygalaxy.com/my_weblog/2012/10/is-the-cosmos-a-vast-computer-simulation-new-theory-may-offer-clues.html ,
http://ca.ign.com/articles/2012/12/14/scientists-ask-are-we-all-part-of-the-matrix ,

Octagonal+gatesholes-time-travel-portals, etc.
http://www.idsia.ch/~juergen/digitalphysics.html ,

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film) 1995,
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QComFWf0DUo&feature=related ,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnny_Mnemonic_(film)#Japanese_release ,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHFOxciYklI ,
www.youtube.com/watch?v=bL_8Ugp9zI4&feature=related ,
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0113481 ,

Digital Art: http://vimeo.com/2529910 by Sergio Toporek , 
Fantastic art & images, indeed.

From cave paintings to virtual reality...


For more comprehensive observations & interpretations of various things, please see these amazing websites,
the TL @ copycateffect.blogspot.com , cyberpunkreview.com , the secretsun.blogspot.com , theuniversesolved.com 
